Engraved bison head

Magdalénien 12000-10000 av. J.-C.
Saint-Nazaire en Royans, Abri Campalou, Drôme
Don Royannez, 2004
© Serge Van Poucke


This is a very rare and precious object, found in a rock shelter used by people in prehistoric times.  It is a fragment of animal bone on which the head of a bison has been engraved, undoubtedly using a piece of flint.  The bison is shown in profile; the top of its head, back, and muzzle are executed with fine hatching.  The eye and ear are very detailed and we can also see the animal’s tongue or breath in its mouth.  In prehistoric times, bison were wild animals that roamed the prairies; is this still the case? 

Bison gravé sur fragment de côte © Serge Van Poucke

Bison gravé sur fragment de côte © Serge Van Poucke

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