Chalcolithic arrowheads

Late Neolithic
Montmaur-en-Diois, Grotte du Fournet, Drôme
D 990.9.121
Dépôt du Centre d'Archéologie Préhistorique du Rhône aux Alpes, Valence, 1990
Chalcolithic arrowheads © Musée de Valence, photographie Serge Van Poucke


Sigottier points are pieces of flint worked into leaf shapes with extreme fineness and regularity.  They have been found in funerary settings, in collective cave tombs and hypogeums (underground tombs).

The most beautiful examples show no signs of use, which indicates that they may have served a decorative function rather than a utilitarian one.  Some of them show the use of a copper tool to make very slight pressure modifications. 

Pointes de flèches chalcolithiques © Musée de Valence, photographie Serge Van Poucke

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